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Data Sharing

6 Data Sharing

6.1 How will you share the data?

Questions to consider:

How will potential users find out about your data? With whom will you share the data, and under what conditions? Will you share data via a repository, handle requests directly or use another mechanism? When will you make the data available? Will you pursue getting a persistent identifier for your data? Consider where, how, and to whom data with acknowledged long-term value should be made available. The methods used to share data will be dependent on a number of factors such as the type, size, complexity and sensitivity of data. If possible, mention earlier examples to show a track record of effective data sharing. Consider how people might acknowledge the reuse of your data.

The NSHM website will provide access to much of the data produced by the project. Links to data, metadata, and reports will be made available. Intermediate data products, such as rupture rates can be explored, filtered, sorted, and downloaded on the website. Final hazard data will also be available to view and download. Programmatic access to intermediate data and final data will also be made available via a public API with instructions found on the NSHM website.

6.2 Are any restrictions on data sharing required?

Questions to consider:

What action will you take to overcome or minimize restrictions? For how long do you need exclusive use of the data and why? Will a data sharing agreement (or equivalent) be required? Outline any expected difficulties in sharing data with acknowledged long-term value, along with causes and possible measures to overcome these. Restrictions may be due to confidentiality, lack of consent agreements or IPR, for example. Consider whether a non-disclosure agreement would give sufficient protection for confidential data.

All data will be made available to the public except in a few, rare circumstances. Those may include primitive data products such as raw SAR (synthetic aperture radar) data which may be under copyright restriction.