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React UI Project Guide

React UI Project Guidelines

Testing, Coverage and Linting

We typically use Jest for unit tests and Cypress for end to end testing. For linting we use eslint with the plugins react/recommended, @typescript-eslint/recommended, prettier/recommended. We use Husky to run linting on commit and unit tests on push, our Cypress specs run on merge to deploy-test or main.

Integration & Deployment

For each site we usually have two deployed branches:

  • MAIN is the live, public facing product.

  • DEPLOY-TEST is used for verifying new features prior to public release.

These are continuously deployed to from their respective branches using github actions. In UI projects, the folder .github/workflows typically contains:

  • a browser-tests.yml which runs our end to end specs on deployment to either main or deploy-test.
  • a deploy-test-to-s3.yml which builds, configures and deploys the deploy-test branch.
  • a deploy-prod-to-s3.yml which builds, configures and deploys the main branch.