Hazard realisations
Produce Hazard realisations¶
flowchart LR
classDef nshm stroke:lightgreen, stroke-width:3px
classDef AWS stroke:orange, stroke-width:3px
RHR[/run hazard realizations/]:::nshm
HR[(hazard realizations)]:::AWS
RHR --> |with| runzi -->|using| oq -->|produces| HR
NSHM Seismicity Rate Model Logic Tree (SRM LT) has 49 parts (ref NSHM)
For each component branch of the source rate model logic tree:
Run a job with
- inversion solution and distributed seismicity rate models (multiple) for the fault systems (i.e. one part of the SRM LT).
- GMCM Logic Tree
- site specifications config
- user configs IMTS, etc
- calculation configs
- one HDF5 file, size (TBA): NZSHM22 4k sites => 300 MB
- CSV files: 200MB
- optional export to DynamoDB => THH Hazard Realizations table
- optional export to cache table => THH Hazard Realizations CACHE
- 49 * 300MB of realisations for NSHM model => 15GB
- Currently ~24 hours for 4k sites, all NSHM periods. For the largest component branch of the SRM LT (typically crustal sources). AWS M5 instance 8 CPU.