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This package provides classes to support filtering by key attributes of the solution classes.


Name Description

for filtering solution parent faults.


for filtering solution ruptures.




>>> solution = InversionSolution.from_archive(filename)
>>> model = solution.model
>>> parent_fault_ids = FilterParentFaultIds(model)\
        .for_parent_fault_names(['Alpine: Jacksons to Kaniere'])\

>>> rupture_ids = FilterRuptureIds(model)\
        .for_magnitude(7.95, 8.15)

>>> assert FilterRuptureIds(model)\
        .for_parent_fault_names(['Alpine: Jacksons to Kaniere'])\
        .issuperset(rupture_ids), "using set operands on two `filter.for` results"

API notes:

The public classes in this package provide similar behaviour to make the API both simple to use and versatile:

  • The public class methods all return set-like objects, making it possible to combine results using set operands e.g. union, intersection, difference.

  • The public class methods are 'chainable', so that multiple for_ method calls can be linked together (see example below). The default join operation is "intersection" so that each chained method call is 'refining' results from the prior method call(s). This behaviour can be overridden using the join_prior argument. -